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Need a place to park or lock up your big items?
From mowers & small tractors to ATVs & automobiles, we've got you covered! Heavy duty 3/4" tongue & groove Advantech flooring on top of treated 2"x 6" floor joists set on 12" centers and a spacious 9' wide by 7' tall roll up door makes our Garages ready to protect and secure your big ticket items!

All Garages 12' wide & up, come standard with a 9' x 7' roll up door, a 36" steel 6 panel outswing walk thru door and a 2' x 3' window.

Lofted Barn Garage
All of the features of the Garage model... WITH LOFTS!
Get the best of both worlds with the Lofted Barn Garage.

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